Pastor Tye teaches

Pastor Tye teaches
Have you reached your breaking point

Thursday, January 7, 2021

The Boy Preacher

Tye Swanson first starts preaching when he was 8 years old. His first sermon was entitled ' Lord make my life count". Tye Swanson would travel in Northern California preaching to other young people and adults alike at many churches in the Bay Area. He has coined the nickname 'the boy preacher'. Not only was Tye an inspirational speaker but he also begins speaking in the public speaking contest, winning several awards for reciting portions of Martin Luther King sermons. But Tye Swanson preached his first revival when he was 19 years of age. Since that first revival on March 15th, 1994 held at Mt. Zion Baptist Church with Pastor Huey Jones, Pastor Tye has preached at more than a hundred churches between California, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Texas, and Arkansas.

The warfare of Job.


Saturday, January 2, 2021

Pastor Tye Swanson books: 'Killing Leviathan"

 Please get a copy of  Pastor Tye Swanson book " Killing Leviathan (attack against leaders) Killing Leviathan: Exposing Pride in Leadership (9781718760981): Swanson, Bill: Book

Notes from the book:



Job was a man of God who lived through one of the greatest spiritual warfare experiences in the bible.  Job lost everything he had. Everything happened in 2 phases. In the first attack, Job lost all his possessions and in the second attack, he lost his health.  Spiritual warfare is always fought on 2 sides. One may be experiencing a loss of things physically but behind the scenes, there is a dark force pulling strings spiritually.  Spiritual warfare is defined as a fight between good and evil. Christians must learn that everything supernatural isn’t spiritual, and everything spiritual isn’t always Godly. Knowing the origin of an event is the heart of spiritual warfare (as in the book of Job).   


One could make the mistake that so many have made by believing that the struggles in Jobs’ life events were purely coincidental.  The Lord gave the devil permission to attack Job. God never attacks us, He gets Satan to do it. We know from reading the bible that Satan was behind such attacks.  



Pastor Tye preaches on Samson


Pastor Tye Swanson preaching on Who God can speak to

Friday, January 1, 2021

Pastor Tye teacher "Need vs. Want"

                                                   You're Need verses You're Wants

The Move

  "ACTS OF THE APOSTLES" Chapter Two OBJECTIVES IN STUDYING THIS CHAPTER To carefully consider the events surrounding the outpouri...